Tal Burnovski Yeyni


Criminal Background Checks: Banning the Box in Los Angeles

Headshot of attorney for employers, Tal Yeyni

Tal Burnovski Yeyni | Shareholder

December 5, 2016

Employer Compliance Attorney Employer Update 02.09.17 The City updated its website with further information and resources for both Private Employers and City Contractors, including official notices for applicants and employees, sample letters and rules for

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Employer Guide for Election Season

October 24, 2016

by Nicole Kamm & Tal Burnovski Yeyni The 2016 presidential election season has provided fodder for often impassioned conversations among friends, family and co-workers.  While we may not always agree with all points of view,

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The Curious Case of Employment Arbitration Agreements

Headshot of attorney for employers, Tal Yeyni

Tal Burnovski Yeyni | Shareholder

August 30, 2016

Lawyer for Employers by Tal Burnovski Yeyni 818-907-3224 Oh boy, what a year 2016 is shaping up to be! Employers faced some daunting changes to: Sick Leave, California Minimum Wage, the DOL final rule  re

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Wage & Hour: DOL Doubles Down on Salary Threshold

Headshot of attorney for employers, Tal Yeyni

Tal Burnovski Yeyni | Shareholder

May 18, 2016

Attorney for Employers by Tal Burnovski Yeyni 818-907-3224 Considering all of the political movements regarding minimum wage, equal pay and other wage and hour concerns over the past few years, most employers could read the

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Employers: Criminal History Inquiries May Get Tricky

Headshot of attorney for employers, Tal Yeyni

Tal Burnovski Yeyni | Shareholder

March 1, 2016

Attorney for Employers by Tal Burnovski Yeyni 818-907-3224 Proposed Amendment to California Code of Regulations  Last week the California Fair Employment and Housing Council of the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (or, in short,

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