Tal Burnovski Yeyni


Traveling California with PAGA

Attorney Nicholas Kanter

Nicholas Kanter | Shareholder

May 17, 2021

If you are an employer in California, you are probably familiar with the various employment peculiarities in the state, such as the five-hour meal rule, four-hour (or major fraction) rest rule, piece rate rules, wage

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Employers: Malicious Prosecution Claims Against Employees

Sue M. Bendavid | Shareholder

April 27, 2021

Litigating wage and hour claims can be frustrating. Not only do employers have to incur legal expenses, they also have to sometimes defend inflated and inaccurate claims. California law offers defendants a mechanism for combatting

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How Did I Not See This Coming? Retroactive Application of Dynamex

Sue M. Bendavid | Shareholder

January 14, 2021

Today, the California Supreme Court held that the ABC Test, as articulated in Dynamex, applies retroactively to claims under California’s Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders. ABC Test Background In 2018, in notable Dynamex Operations West,

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Top Employer Questions as We Round the Curve to the New Year

Sue M. Bendavid | Shareholder

December 16, 2020

Welcome to the holiday season! Usually, this is the time we advise employers about holiday celebrations, provide warnings about serving alcohol during company parties, and field questions regarding employee time off requests. This year, the

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Cal/OSHA’s New Employer Compliance re COVID-19

Sue M. Bendavid | Shareholder

December 3, 2020

On November 30, 2020, California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) adopted emergency regulations to protect workers from COVID-19. The regulations require employers to develop an investigation, isolation, and notification plan in the event

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COVID-19: Return to Work Employer FAQs

Now that we have been sheltering in place for close to two months, most of us are eagerly waiting for life to return to “normal.” We all want our businesses to thrive and to become

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