Is Franchising In the Crosshairs of Federal Regulators and Legislators?
The Feds may be targeting franchising. In September 2020, Rohit Chopra, one of the five commissioners on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), declared on Twitter that “[franchise] regulators must stop unfair, deceptive, and discriminatory practices
How Did I Not See This Coming? Retroactive Application of Dynamex
Today, the California Supreme Court held that the ABC Test, as articulated in Dynamex, applies retroactively to claims under California’s Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders. ABC Test Background In 2018, in notable Dynamex Operations West,
Co-ops: A Tool for Small Business Recovery
Many small businesses have been hurt or even destroyed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Owners may have lost their business and their funds. One of the legal tools that can help some owners recover is the
Vaccination Guidance for Employers: Frequently Asked Questions
In this ever-changing COVID-19 landscape, the prospect of employee vaccinations creates many questions and compliance concerns for employers. These concerns include whether, and to what extent, employers can and should require vaccinations for employees. While
COVID-Related Tax Relief Act Summary
(As of December 22, 2020) Congress passed the $900 Billion COVID-Related Tax Relief Act of 2020 (“COVIDTRA” or “the Act”) as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, on December 21, 2020. As of
Update Regarding the Paycheck Protection Program
(as of December 22, 2020) On December 21, 2020, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, which includes the COVID-Related Tax Relief Act of 2020 (“COVIDTRA”).
Top Employer Questions as We Round the Curve to the New Year
Welcome to the holiday season! Usually, this is the time we advise employers about holiday celebrations, provide warnings about serving alcohol during company parties, and field questions regarding employee time off requests. This year, the
2021: Say Hello to California’s New Homestead Exemption
Currently, partial equity in a home in California is exempt from being used to pay a judgment lien on the property. That partial exemption is either $75,000, $100,000 or $175,000, depending on a variety of
Healthy Holidays – Employer Tips for Continuing Operations and Compliance as COVID Infections Rise
With COVID-19 infections increasing at alarming rates, employers are wondering how state and local restrictions will impact business operations. Below is a list of steps to help mitigate the spread of the virus, as we
Cal/OSHA’s New Employer Compliance re COVID-19
On November 30, 2020, California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) adopted emergency regulations to protect workers from COVID-19. The regulations require employers to develop an investigation, isolation, and notification plan in the event