Business & Finance


Franchisors, Got Claims? Don’t Let Them Spoil Like Bad Cheese

Barry Kurtz | Shareholder

June 5, 2017

Chair, Franchise & Distribution Practice Group by Barry Kurtz 818-907-3006 This is the tale of two restaurants, each facing trademark infringement claims under the Lanham Act brought by two, separate franchisors. The franchisees’ restaurants had

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Food Fight: Two Sides to Every Chicken Filler Story

Barry Kurtz | Shareholder

March 29, 2017

Chair, Franchise & Distribution Practice Group by Barry Kurtz 818.907.3006 The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) recently aired a segment reporting that real chicken content in Subway sandwiches amounted to a lot less than what the

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Initiating Unlawful Detainer Actions: Perfection Not Required

Attorney Nicholas Kanter

Nicholas Kanter | Shareholder

March 11, 2017

Unlawful Detainer Attorney by Nicholas Kanter 818-907-3289 In November 2016 the California Supreme Court ordered that a decision from the appellate division of the San Diego Superior Court in U.S. Financial, L.P. v. Michael McLitus (“McLitus”)

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