“No More Arbitration for You!” – Part 2
In our previous blog we wrote about California’s Assembly Bill 51, which largely impacts arbitration agreements by prohibiting employers from requiring employees or applicants for employment to agree to arbitrate claims for FEHA (Fair Employment and Housing
“No more arbitration for you!”: The California #MeToo Affect Continues
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed groundbreaking legislation largely impacting mandatory arbitration agreements (Assembly Bill 51) and extending the deadline to file a harassment complaint from one to three years (Assembly Bill 9): Assembly Bill 51
Goodbye 1099; Hello Employer Uncertainty
Last year (April 2018) the California Supreme Court rocked the boat with the seminal Dynamex decision, which created very high barriers for companies who utilize independent contractors. On September 18, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed
Employment Defense: Workforce Classification
June 5, 2019 by the Employment Practice Group The analysis of whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor for purposes of California’s Wage Orders became more restrictive in 2018 following the California Supreme
Prop 65: California May Change Up Chain of Commerce Responsibility
Proposition 65, a/k/a the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, has been under fire since the law was first enacted. Intended to protect Californians from cancer-causing or birth defect-inducing substances, the law
California Ballot Guide 2018: Propositions 8-12
We continue with Part Three in our series on California’s ballot propositions for 2018, providing a glimpse of the pros and cons of each measure. For those readers who want more than a glimpse, please
California Family Law: Should You File for Legal Separation?
What’s the difference between a general date of separation and a date of legal separation? A big misconception is that filing for legal separation establishes a date of separation. The date of separation and a
California Ballot Guide 2018: Propositions 5-7
This is Part Two in our series regarding the California Ballot for November, 2018. In this series, we provide a synopsis of each of the 11 propositions voters in this state will see on the
California Employer Compliance: New Laws Affect Nearly Every Business
The 2017-2018 legislative session concluded last month with new laws effecting almost all employers in California. Here’s a summary of the new laws, as well as the bills that would have had a significant impact,
Hotel/Motel Employers: California Requires Human Trafficking Awareness Training
Senate Bill 970 was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown and applies exclusively to all hotels and motels with employees in California. As of July 1, 2019, all hotel/motel employers must to provide at